Enrollment Agreement (PM)

Property Management

    Class Information:

    Enter Class Date(s): Confirm Class Date(s): * indicates REQUIRED fields below

    Student Information:

    Have you attended classes here before?* YesNo

    Social Security Number:*

    Payment Information:

    Payment Choices explained:

    TUITION options:

    • Either FULL Amount (or) DEPOSIT will hold your seat in class; balance due by 3pm on the Thursday before class begins.
    • Credit Card is required for all ONLINE submissions.
    • Checks, Cash, and Money Orders accepted at the office or by mail.

    MATERIALs options:

    • There is no book for this class. However, we provide reading material and is included in price.
    • To get a head start, you can request the material before class:
      • We will mail materials to the address provided on this form. (Include $10 for shipping fee.) -- OR --
      • Come by the office to pick up material (no charge)
    CHARGE to Credit Card: * «« VISA or MasterCard ONLY
    Card #: *
    3-digit security code: * Expiration Date (MM/YY): *
    Name on Card: * Billing Address Number (used to process credit card): * (numbers ONLY) Billing Zip Code: *

    Acceptance of Terms and Policies:*

    (check both boxes below to accept, after reading the Terms and Policies)

    , I understand the Terms and Policies as part of this agreement. I am keeping a copy for my records.
    , I understand #2 of the Terms and Policies require me to give timely notice or forfeit $75 if I do not show.